I've always been into jeans and pants apart from the dress/skirt over the jeans trend which I rocked for a few years and of course the "good" dresses for special occasions at the back of the closet. This dress is a little bit SJP and I'm wearing a black t-shirt underneath. It's pretty cute, not 100% sure though - might sell this one on ebay.

I wasn't even going to go to the Op-Shop today but as I was driving closer I thought I'd better go and have a peruse in case I missed something special. And I would have!! Not too keen on posting pictures of myself when my mane looks less than fabulous but at the end of the day, it's about the clothes.
So the little tartan swing dress has a lovely black bow along the bustline which can't be seen in the picture and i'm also wearing a black t-shirt underneath.