My latest buys - The bracelet from the bargain rack at Diva - I love the orange diamonte eyes and tail. And the leggings with ruched detail from target. I can't wait for the weather to cool down to start wearing these :)
Here I am wearing the earrings, headband and skirt from the previous post. I would have worn the shoes too, but one of the heels needs repairing :( The little satin jacket is from Valley Girl.
I was very lucky to find these lovely handmade leather shoes in my local op-shop this morning. They fit perfectly, have never been worn and seem to work with my yellow headband, egg yolk yellow bakelite hoop earrings and the skirt - which was a dress in a former life.
I can see that an outfit post will be in order soon.
This little beauty came up on a savedebay search I get sent daily. OOOOh, I love it! Especially the scarab beetle as I love bugs too. It's $60 at the moment and I'm as broke as a gadooli - It's a good time for me to bust out the beads, findings and fimo.
Unfortunately I haven't been on some lovely sun-soaked holiday. I've been visiting the hospital since Boxing day as my beautiful younger sister was in a terrible motorbike accident whilst visiting us from London and had her leg amputated. It's a difficult time but I want to keep this blog going.
Now that I've explained my absence, this cute plaid playsuit from Topshop is very nice indeed. That's it for now - until the next post - Adios :)
I love textiles and am a designer and maker of homewares, accessories and clothing and anything that can be made with fabric, dressing, vintage, costume, making things, markets, op-shopping(thrifting), cooking, meeting people. I studied applied fashion design and technology at Tafe and worked briefly in the industry but realised that the fashion industry wasn't for me. I did learn some invaluable skills though which I can use when I sew and draft me at