Hi there, I've been absent for a while. There's a lot going on at the moment - such as trying to find a new place to live!! Very frustrating indeed.
Now for the outfit:
Top - H&M - Gift
Belt - Georges Rech - from Op -Shop
Skirt - Temt - from Op-Shop
Shoes - Savers
Silk Headscarf - H&M - from Op-Shop
Oh, I wish I had an H&M nearby!
You're back! Ha.. I thought that you left your blog for good and was quite saddened because I thought you had interesting posts.. so YEY! for you being back. :-)
Ha! my hair.. funny thing is, Ive always wanted curly-ish.. a lot like yours actually..I dont know.. there's just something so nice about curly hair-- its so very.. naturally stylish. ;-)
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